The Ultimate Tips to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

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The Ultimate Tips To Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

Published by Today Testing Team

Last Updated on May 19, 2022

Looking for tips to improve landing page conversion rates?

You’re not alone.

A landing page is a key tool in online marketing. In many cases, it’s the first interaction that a potential customer has with your company.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your landing pages are effective and convert well.

Its purpose is to persuade a visitor to take a specific action, such as filling out a form that leads them into your sales funnel. In exchange for filling out the form, lead-generating landing pages often provide freebies such as an eBook, exclusive discounts, contest entry, or webinar registration.

To be effective, a landing page must be carefully designed and targeted to the needs of the audience.

For example, if you are selling a product, your landing page should include images and information about the product, as well as a clear call to action.

On the other hand, if you are looking to generate leads, your landing page should focus on capturing contact information.

In either case, the goal is to convert visitors into customers or subscribers.

A well-designed landing page can make all the difference in achieving this goal.

Any business that wants to be successful online needs to pay attention to its landing page conversion rate. This is the percentage of visitors to your site who take the desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or making a purchase.

A high conversion rate means that more people are taking the action you want them to, while a low conversion rate indicates that there is room for improvement and you’re likely wasting a lot of money right now.

But what constitutes a decent conversion rate? 

The average landing page conversion rate across sectors is 2.35 percent, whereas the top 25% convert at 5.31 percent or higher. Ideally, you want to be in the top 10% of landing pages, with 11.45 percent or above conversion rates.

The good news is there are some simple steps you can take to improve landing page conversion rates and start seeing more success.

Table of Contents

1. Get The Headline Right

Your landing page’s title is the first thing your visitor sees, and it’ll be the final thing if it doesn’t grab their attention and appeal to their requirements.

  • Keep it brief and to the point – A concise headline will capture your visitor’s attention while remaining focused on your product. A new visitor’s attention span is relatively short, and if they’re forced to start with a lot of reading, they’ll go right away. By keeping your title brief, you’ll be able to establish the tone for the remainder of the page right away.
  • Make sure to be detailed and concise – Your visitor must be particular that they’ve landed on the correct page, which will suit their requirements. Even if they arrived via an advertisement, your visitor has to know that everything they’re searching for is right there on your landing page and that they won’t have to go elsewhere to discover it.
  • Concentrate on one main advantage – Although the product or service may have several qualities, emphasizing only one can save your headline from being cluttered and appearing unnecessarily pitchy.
  • Maintain consistency in the messaging – Buyers usually need to hear your message numerous times before converting, and your message must be consistent with being practical.

Landing page tools like Groovefunnels, Leadpages, and Instapage, among others, will let you split test different headlines on your landing pages so you can figure out what get’s the best results.

2. Use Testimonials and Reviews To Build Credibility

Positive recommendations from other customers reassure your visitors that you’re trustworthy and can go a long way to help improve landing page conversion rates.

Client testimonials, reviews, and recommendations are the closest to social proof, and word of mouth is the most potent marketing. 

Many businesses use generic and poor testimonials on their landing pages. You should utilize testimonials from real customers that show how they benefitted from doing business with you.

If you can get video testimonials, that’s the best case, but at the very least, get a picture of the customer to put alongside their text testimonial.

3. Make Your Lead Capture Form More Effective

Your landing page’s lead generation/capture form may be the quickest and easiest place to enhance conversion rates.

Much research on landing page forms has found that the more information you ask for, the lesser your conversion rate will be. 

Even before the user starts filling out the form, they will see it and may determine whether or not to start filling it out depending on the number of fields.

A progress bar is a simple way to divide your form into many phases so that users aren’t overwhelmed by a giant form with tons of fields.

4. Check The Color, Shape, and Size Of The Button

There’s a science to call-to-action buttons.

Conversion psychology is heavily influenced by color, shape, and size. 

The button on your landing page is arguably the most crucial element of the page. It’s where you want the visitor to click to take the desired action to achieve conversion.

Here are a few things to think about:


The button should be a different color from the rest of the site to stand out. Make sure it’s a color that stands out and draws attention.

Orange is commonly regarded as a fantastic “click color” since it evokes feelings of purchasing or selling and is energizing.

Red conveys urgency and may function just as well, if not better, than an orange button. Make no assumptions; your experiments will decide which key color best suits you.

There will never be a single hue that makes everyone happy. However, you will discover one that pleases the majority, and this is the one that is optimal for the landing page conversions.


Sharp-cornered buttons don’t always translate as well as rounded-cornered buttons. That is why the eyes and brain have an easier time processing rounded corners.  

Sharp edges have taught us to be careful since they may be dangerous. That goes for buttons, too.  Sharp edges can also function as arrows, diverting interest away from the button towards the call to action.

Consider employing a variety of forms instead of a typical rectangular, square, oval, or round shape. Amazon makes use of a circle and a rectangle. Again, the only way to find out which of those works for you is to put it to the test.


The size of the button is deserving of some simple testing. Increase or reduce its size to see which yields the best conversion rates.

5. Put The Button's Call-To-Action To The Test

The call-to-action text on the button is often more significant than its appearance.

Calls-to-action buttons that use persuasive words have been shown to improve landing page conversion rates.

Here are some examples of persuasive words you can use on your CTA buttons:

“Download,” “Start,” “Go,” and “Continue.”

You also want to use words that create a sense of urgency, like:

“Now,” “Today,” “Instant,” and “Quick.”

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, the info above will help you begin improving your landing page conversion rate.

Remember, while the suggestions above are based on years of experience and studies, every situation is different, and the only way to find out what works for your particular landing page is to test, test, and test some more.

Track everything, and over time, you’ll be able to increase your conversion rate significantly by figuring out what’s working for you and what’s not.

Have any questions about how to improve landing page conversion rates? Comment below and let us know.

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