EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Which Is Better? (2023 Comparison)

Everwebinar vs stealthseminar

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EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Which Is Better? (2023 Comparison)

Everwebinar vs stealthseminar

Published by Al Rose

Last Updated on October 18, 2024

Trying to find the right webinar software for your needs? Wondering what the differences are between EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar?

You have probably been researching the best way to run a webinar and have decided that running automated, evergreen webinars is the way to go. The first thing you need to do then, is compare different software built to automate your webinar funnel. EverWebinar and Stealth Seminar are two such tools.

Both tools are built to fully automate webinar running, although Stealth Seminar offers a live option. EverWebinar can work hand in hand with its sister software, WebinarJam, just in case every once in a while a live webinar is in play.

In this Everwebinar vs Stealth Seminar review, we will look at both automated webinar software platforms, their build, what they can and can’t do, plus how they compare to each other.

Table of Contents

What Is EverWebinar?

EverWebinar is one software that has probably become synonymous with automated webinar running. It is, yes, fully automated, although it does come with features – we will discuss those features below – that make webinars appear live.

EverWebinar offers HD streaming and as it works fully on the browser, you don’t have to go through cumbersome installations or worry that your software might fail in the middle of your automated webinar.

EverWebinar setup is quite easy for those who are already running live events on WebinarJam. This is because of Replica Play, a term which means that EverWebinar imports everything from a WebinarJam live event including chats, offers, comments and more.

Thanks to Zapier, you can integrate this software with almost any software you need.

What Is Stealth Seminar?

Stealth Seminar is a webinar running platform that allows users to schedule these four types of webinars:

  • Fully automated webinars
  • Hybrid webinars that are a mix of automated and live
  • YouTube live streaming
  • Dedicated replay

This software offers its users the option of fully setting up their webinar or to have it fully set up for them.

Stealth Seminar integrates with third party software such as email auto responders, CRM as well as social media, giving businesses the ability to run a fully automated lead generation process through webinars.

Stealth Seminar is made for everyone, although the busy marketer or solopreneur who is probably not tech savvy or doesn’t have the time to sit down and go through the motions of setting up a webinar may find this tool most useful. This is because Stealth’s customer support team offer full set up support.

If you want detailed analytics, don’t mind doing your own webinar set up, intend to explore endless integrations with Zapier and you are at least into using software that feels like it was created in this century, EverWebinar is your choice. Otherwise, choose Stealth Seminar.

Which Tool (EverWebinar or Stealth Seminar) Is Right for Your Business?

Choose EverWebinar if…

  • You need deeper analytics
  • You want more interesting and dynamic templates
  • You already have WebinarJam for your live events
  • You don’t mind doing the webinar setup yourself
  • You have a limited budget

Choose Stealth Seminar if…

  • You want a fully-done-for-you set up
  • You don’t really need in depth analytics data
  • You are okay with between 100 to 500 webinar attendees
  • You don’t have a live webinar software subscription and might need to run live webinars

Both EverWebinar and Stealth Seminar will help you generate leads and sales. How they do it is what Stealth Seminar focusses on having everything 

But if your intention is to generate sales for your product, EverWebinar is the best platform for that.

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar Key Differences

One Type Of Event vs Multiple Events

I’ve already mentioned that Stealth Seminar allows you to run more than just automated webinars. Look at the options in the image below. You can run different types of online events including hybrid, which is a combination of a live and automated webinar.

On the other hand, you can only run automated webinar events on EverWebinar, although they have taken pains to ensure that you have everything you need to make your webinars appear live, should you choose to. For example, the ability to simulate dynamic webinar attendees.

If you choose to display dynamic attendees, the number of attendees displayed during every webinar will fluctuate. This is different to fixed attendees, where the same number of webinar attendees is displayed all through.

Winner: Both

Registration Process

Stealth Seminar takes automation so seriously that even their registration process is done for you. Besides just providing a few details to aid them in scheduling your webinar events, you don’t have to lift a finger. Note however that the set up takes at least 24 hours. So if you want to enjoy this fully done-for-you setup, don’t do it last minute. Give it at least 2 days before your webinar launch date.

Stealth takes things a bit further by giving you multiple registration options where you can either

  • Register with their built in templates
  • Use other templates
  • Use other registration services
  • Opt not to go with a registration page

These multiple choices do increase a host’s customization options, considering that the webinar building and running experience is not the same for everyone.

Although I had to take time to do the registration setup in EverWebinar, I actually found nothing to complain about. EverWebinar combines the capabilities of Webinarjam to give you software that is both easy to set up and use.

The automated webinar software is choke full of templates, but the one I would like to talk about here is the thank you page templates that allow you to include a video.

After people have registered, you can send them a video giving them more details about the webinar. This is a great way to reinforce the messaging that sent them to the registration page in the first place.

Winner: StealthSeminar

A done-for-you webinar registration gives you one less thing to worry about.

Editing Interface

Although Stealth Seminar gives you everything you need to edit your webinar sessions, you may notice that the editing interface looks very outdated. This doesn’t limit the software’s functionality in any way but it would be nice to work with software that “feels” current.

In their defense though, you probably will never have to use the interface anyway as they set up everything for you. Plus, they also give you a lot of customer support with their webinar platform.

In comparison, EverWebinar’s editing interface looks very current.

Winner: Both

This is more about aesthetics. Stealth Seminar comes with all the necessary details to schedule and publish a webinar successfully.

Features Available in Both EverWebinar and Stealth Seminar

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Webinar Reliability

Stealth Seminar delivers quite a stable streaming experience on their webinar platform. This is because they host your webinar video themselves, which not only contributes to smooth streaming, but is also a big plus if you really want to make your webinar appear live.  The hosted videos also play better on mobile because you don’t need to be streaming from anywhere.

Now, this is not to say that your webinars will not look live on EverWebinar. Not at all. EverWebinar’s host of simulation tools gives users the option of adding simulated attendants or streaming recordings of your live sessions, with all interactions in those sessions at play. These options will give your webinar a live-like appearance.

Winner: StealthSeminar

Having your webinars hosted in the software is a big advantage, especially when it comes to improving user experience on mobile.

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Integrations

Integrating Stealth Seminar with third party software increases the number of things you can do with it. In the registration stage for instance, third party services will allow you to split test your webinar title, format and more.

However, you cannot work with Zapier on Stealth Seminar, which limits the number of integrations you can make.

Although you can add any software not integrated with EverWebinar, how to do that is not immediately clear. To integrate new software, you have to select integrations under your profile picture. It’s easy to miss this; I think it would make more sense to integrate software directly under the integrations tab.

Winner: EverWebinar

The not so straightforward integration process in EverWebinar is a bit of a put off, but not enough for me to ignore that Stealth Seminar cannot work with Zapier. Zapier increases integrations options, so I think EverWebinar is a clear winner here.

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Webinar Analytics

If you are a graphs and dashboards kind of guy or girl, you won’t be too thrilled with the analytics feature in Stealth Seminar. This is what you get:

Granted, you do see details regarding webinar performance, but this is only data. Not to mention, it is too top-level. If you want to see real insights and really drill into what this performance means for your next campaigns, you might find yourself working with very little information here.

There is also a sales tracking area which also doesn’t do a lot of interesting things besides just give you a simple number of how many sales you have made.

You can get more insights from Stealth Seminar, but you would need google analytics for that.

Things are more detailed on the EverWebinar front, with interesting metrics that you can drill down into to get more insights. This works very well for creating dynamic retargeting campaigns via email and social media.

Winner: EverWebinar

Stealth Seminar’s analytics section leaves a lot to be desired. I think there is more to webinar tracking than just mere data. Although you can get better analytics from google analytics, it’s disappointing that you cannot get that inbuilt into Stealth itself.

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Customer Conversion Tools


Polling your audience allows you to collect their opinion on different subjects, such as their interests or how helpful they find your webinar content. This gives you something to work with to address their concerns by for example, creating a blog to fill in a gap in the webinar.

Both Stealth Seminar and EverWebinar have a polling feature. If you want to poll your attendants during your webinar using any of these software, you can design that to pop up during the event.

For automated events, it’s crucial to time the poll correctly so that it pops up at the right point in the video.

Winner: Both

Polls and survey run pretty much the same in both software.

Live Chat

In case you’re wondering why you need live chat in an automated webinar software here’s why: to give your webinar a live-like feeling. 

And in case you are wondering how to do that, here’s how: EverWebinar and Stealth Seminar allow you to import comments from live sessions so that they scroll during the automated webinars. EverWebinar’s live chats are imported from WebinarJam as both software work together.

Live chats provide social proof. They show what people think about your webinar, the value they are getting from it, concerns they may have, etc. This gives other people a comparison gauge they can reference when making a buying decision.

For instance, if someone says, “Totally buying EverWebinar…Just the thing me and my team need!”, such a comment creates the perception that the mentioned product is worth considering.

So I think this feature is quite useful.

Winner: Both

Email /SMS Reminders

Remember how I mentioned that Stealth Seminar sets up your webinars for you but you have to give some information to help with the set up? Well, one of the things you have to specify is the auto responder you want to use: theirs or a third party service. You can also specify the number of times you want webinar attendants to receive notifications.

The same thing happens in EverWebinar, whereby you can setup integrations rules so that emails are automatically sent depending on what a registrant or attendant does. If you are already using Webinarjam, you will find this set up easier as all this information will be set up exactly like you did in WebinarJam.

You can integrate 3rd party auto responders with EverWebinar and Stealth Seminar. I found it interesting that for Stealth Seminar, you actually need a third party auto responder to send any retargeted emails. This is because Stealth Seminar only sends reminder emails before the webinar.

Winner: EverWebinar

The auto responder built into EverWebinar is powerful enough to handle your retargeting campaigns. With Stealth Seminar, you’d have to incur an additional cost with third party software to get the same level of messaging. 

File Handouts

File handouts allow you to give out additional material to build more authority around your subject and brand.

If you want to give out files during a webinar, add them under the file handouts section and specify the correct timestamp where they will trigger.

Product Offers

You can schedule product offers on Stealth Seminar and EverWebinar. On stealth Seminar though, it’s not easy to set up a product offer as the option doesn’t seem to be available in any of the tabs. Contacting customer support to set the offer drop for you seems to be the only option. They are pretty helpful, so this is at least a plus.

Setting up product offers on EverWebinar is easy and fast. The offers come with a countdown.  

Winner: EverWebinar

EverWebinar vs Stealth Seminar: Split Testing

EverWebinar allows you to split test your landing page design and content to know the one that delivers more conversions.

Stealth Seminar takes split testing a step further by allowing you to test even more elements. You can test different versions of webinar content, offers and their pricing or the registration page.

Winner: StealthSeminar

Being able to split test versions of more than just the landing page makes Stealth Seminar my preferred choice in this area.

EverWebinar Vs Stealth Seminar: Pricing

So how worth it are these two software products cost and are they worth it?

EverWebinar pricing has the following tiers for its webinar platform:

  • A quarterly plan that costs $199 per quarter
  • A yearly plan billed annually at $499
  • A biennial plan that costs $799, billed every two years

Each of these plans offers the same features. They include:

  • Automated webinars
  • Advanced simulation tools
  • Pre made templates
  • 24/7 customer support

On the other hand, Stealth Seminar offers four price tiers:

  • Starter plan at $69.95 per month for 100 simultaneous attendees
  • Professional plan at $99.95 per month for 100 simultaneous attendees and more features like access to hybrid webinars and registration page customization
  • Growth plan at $175 per month for 300 simulated attendees. You can increase attendance to 500 but this will up the price to $280.
  • Power plan, which offers customized pricing

Now let’s see how this pricing compares to EverWebinar’s.

At $69.95/month, you’d be spending $209.85 quarterly on Stealth Seminar to access only a handful of features. If you pay annually, you’ll part with $699.48 per year, and this is only for the starter plan benefits.

Winner: EverWebinar

EverWebinar’s pricing structure is focused on flexible billing and is therefore less restrictive. Although the quarterly plan costs more cumulatively, it is affordable when you compare it to Stealth Seminar’s starter plan which only gives you few features at a higher cost.


When you have been using software for as long as I have, you get to this point where you think, “I’ve seen it all”. But every once in a while, you come across software that surprises you. Stealth Seminar and EverWebinar are it for me.

Stealth seminar seem really keen on customer service. Only after using this software do you begin to realize how time consuming it can be to set up a webinar from scratch.  But is it for everyone? Hardly. For one, the price is too high, therefore scaling may be a challenge.

EverWebinar offers way more sophisticated email campaign features and detailed analytics, both of which are instrumental in delivering more sales and revenue. 

So which should you choose? If you want a combination of live and automation webinar running and a fully done-for-you experience, go for Stealth. If you want great analytics and sophisticated automation without any price restrictions, go for EverWebinar. 

Looking for other options? Check out our guide to the best webinar software.